Friday, July 31, 2009

What are some things that I can do on my own to prepare for accounting and finance classes?

I don't have any accounting or finance classes until next spring, but I wanted to get a head start on some of the things I would be doing in them. What are some ways that I can prepare on my own ?

What are some things that I can do on my own to prepare for accounting and finance classes?
Practice what you preach. If you don't already, start budgeting. Get your finances in good/great shape and do all the things you know a good financial rep. would tell someone to do. Handle your debt wisely, check out banking options, investing options, find out what your bank and other banks offer and ask them what it all means. Meet with a financial advisor and ask a lot of questions or ask them what questions to ask. Check out Dave Ramsey, Susie Orman, all the big wigs. What are they saying is the right thing to do. I know I keep hearing about gold and silver as investments. Find out what thats about. And of course, read up on accounting as a job. Know what your getting into before going all the way. I've heard its boring, but there is a lot to it and a deffinate market for it.

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