Tuesday, March 24, 2009

How much would a bachelor degree in finance cost at a comunity college?

I am planning to get a bachelor degree in finance and i would like to go to an online college like AIU; they said that it would last about 4 years (associate+bachelor) and that i would have to get an associate first that would cost about $21k + $30k for the bachelor=$51k.

Is that a good investment or should i go to a community college?

I live in the Saginaw-Detroit area.

The bachelor would cost|||You can not get Bachelor%26#039;s degree in a community college. You can only get Associate degrees.

But what you can do is....

Go to community college first. meet a counselor. Tell him you want to get Bachelors in Finance and you want list of transferable units in Finance to a University.

You will take courses for 1 to 2 years. These same courses are offered in a University, but cost a lot. You will save a lot of money this way. Then in your second year, apply to University of your choice and complete your Bachelors...which will be 2 more years.

You can also apply to Financial aid. You need to be very assertive in getting grants for your tuition.

Good luck|||yes you must get the Associate first to obtain a bachelors degree

go to a Community College for the Associates

go to U of M Flint for the Bachelors

online degrees are laughed upon by most potential employers|||You don%26#039;t have to get an associates first to get a bachelors. An associates degree merely states that you graduated from a community college. Be careful at a community college when they tell you to get an AA degree. That is not your long-term goal. Since you want a bachelors degree, plan all of your course work to fulfill the requiements for that degree, whether or not the classes will earn an AA degree. That does not matter.

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